Daniel Crumb 1699 Ratemaker Incident, Arrest Warrant Issued. .


In 1699. James Pendelton was chosen a Town Councilman of Westerly. During that year a new law was passed by the R.I. Assembly for the choosing of rate makers which created much dissatisfaction, and at Westerly quite a number of the leading men entered their protest against the new regulation. This act called down upon their heads the wrath of the Governor, Samuel Cranston, as will appear by the following interesting document taken from the “Trumbull Papers”, published in the collections of the Mass. Hist. Society:

“Warrant to Joseph Crandall to arrest disturbers of the peace.

To Joseph Crandall, especial constable appointed for this present expedition. Greetings.

Whereas, [complaint] hath been made unto me, Samuel Crantson, Governor of his Majesty's colony of Rhode Island and Prouidence, Plantations, etc.. by Captain William Champlin and Mr. Joseph Clarke, of Westerly, justices within said colony, that they have met with some obstruction in the town meeting by several persons of said town remonstrating under their hands against the choosing of rate makers, (according to an Assembly's Act at Warwick, Oct. 25, 1699) as will more at large appear under the hands of the said persons, vis: James Pendleton, Joseph Pemberton, George Denison, Joseph Stanton, John Lewis, Daniell Crumb, Jno. Bacock, Joseph Pendleton, Edward Bliuing, Roger Larkin, James Lewis, Israel Lewis and Joseph Babcock. Edward Wilkocks, the which act of theirs doth tend to the subversion of his Majesty's authority, established in this colony under the great seal of England, and is a high contempt of against the same. These are, therefore, in the name of his Majesty, William the Third, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, and the dominions and territories therunto belonging, to apprehend the persons of the aforesaid James Pendleton, Joseph Pemberton, George Denison, Joseph Stanton, Jno. Lewis, Daniel Crumb, Jno. Bacock, Joseph Pendleton, Edward Bliuing, Roger Larkin, James Lewis, Israel Lewis and Joseph Babcock and Edward Wilcoks, and bring them before me, that they may proceeded with according to their demerits. And you are hearby authorized and empowered to take sufficient aid and all or any of his Majesty's loving subjects within this colony are hereby required to to be aiding and assisting to you as occasion shall require. Hereof you are not to fail as you'll answer the contrary. 

Given under my hand and seal in Newport, this second day of December, and in the eleventh year of his Majesty's reign over England, etc., Annoq. Domini 1699. Samuell Cranston.

Vera copia attests Jospeh Crandal's Marke, constable constituted for the same.

A true copy, compared with an attested copy by James Noyes”

What the outcome of this matter was we have not been able to learn, as further reference to it has not been found or record, so we do not know whether or not these independent men of Westerly were taken before the terrible Governor and proceeded with according to their demerits.

Brian Pendleton and His Descendants, 1599-1910, With Some Account of the Pembleton Families of Orange County, N. Y., Ostego County, N. Y., and Luzerne ... of Later Origin in the United States Volume 1, pages 35, 36.


Online book, pages hard to read.  




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