
Showing posts from October, 2020

Joris Rapelje and Catalina Trico: New Netherlands Walloon Pilgrims 1624

Image Catalina Trico to William Morris “Catalina Trico to William Morris,”  The Documentary history of the state of New-York , Vol. 111, ed. E.B. O’Callaghan (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1850). New-York Historical Society Library. DNA  ht tp:// Great great grandparents, Abram Deitz and Sarah A. Davis, are both descendants of Sarah Rapalje. 

Jessé De Forest: Founder of New Netherlands, and his daughter Rachel

  Jessé de Forest  (1576 – October 22, 1624) was the leader of a group of  Walloon Huguenots  who fled Europe due to religious persecutions. They emigrated to the New World, where he planned to found New Amsterdam, which is currently New York City . Walloon Settlers Monument, built 1924, lower Manhattan. Jessé de Forest named.  The ancestry of Jessé De Forest, Walloon Leader, to fourth Great Grandmother Wyntje Krom.  Wyntje was born in 1793 in New Paltz, Ulster County, New York. Wyntje married Martinus Davis on Feb. 20, 1814, in New Paltz, New York. Their children were: Cornelius Deyo Davis, Caroline Davis, Peter E. Davis, John Davis, Sarah M. Davis, Charles E. Davis.

Richard Warren, Mayflower Passenger, DNA and History

Image A line through Anna Warren, to William M. Jones

Harriet Pendleton: Descendant of Thomas Goodenow; Maj. Brian Pendleton (1599-1681).


Mercy Saunders and William Crumb, Sr. DNA & Ancestry of Mercy

Mary Peckham, mother of Mercy Saunders.  Match for Mercy Saunders DNA, and siblings. 

John MacBayne (Bean) of Scotland: British POW sent to New Hampshire and sold into bondage.

  John MacBean was born 1634 in Strathdearn, Inverness-shire, Scotland. In the spring of 1650, when Oliver Cromwell threatened to invade Scotland, great numbers of Scottish highlanders enlisted to defend their homeland. The Scots lost the Battle of Dunbar on September 3, 1650, but exactly a year later, a reorganized Scottish army prepared to fight Cromwell at what became known as the Battle of Worcester. It was during this battle, that at the age of sixteen, John was a soldier in General Monk’s army, roughly 12,000 Royalist, Scottish troops. On September 3, 1651, they went forth with the design to place Charles II as king on the throne which was vacant by the execution of his father King Charles I. Charles II failed to provide the ammunition he had promised, and during the 10 hour battle that ensued, roughly 3,000 Royalists were killed and 7,000 taken prisoner, likely at Tuthill Fields prison in London. On November 11, 1651, the ship “The Sarah and John” with 272 of these prisoners abo

William Crumb Jr. and Jerusha "Tacy" Edwards of Westerly R.I. - Trees, DNA and Information

A Case of Mixed Up Nancy Crumb's  

Nils Larsson Friend: From Sweden to the Colonies - Biography, DNA, Family Tree

Swedish Settler, Constable of Chester Township, Pennsylvania, Merchant Captain, Tavern Keeper, Immigrated to American Colonies in 1648.   One relatively unknown forefather, progenitor of the Friend family in America, is Nils Larsson, who arrived in New Sweden on the Swan in 1648 and served as a warden for Governor Rising in 1654. Two years later, he married Anna Andersdotter (possibly the daughter of Anders Andersson the Finn) and settled at Upland (now Chester), where they raised a family of ten children. His house was also the location of the Swedes' quarterly court sessions after Armegot Printz sold the Printz family's Tinicum Island estate. Nils Larsson played a very prominent role in the Swedish community until his death at Upland in the winter of 1686-87. He became known as Nils Larsson Frände, meaning "kinsman" or "blood relative" in Swedish, possibly because of his influence among the Indians who considered him a "blood brother." Under Engl

Zephaniah Chase: Patriot, Whaler, Carpenter

Zephaniah Chase  Zephaniah's brother Benjamin was a sea captain, and he had been on several whaling voyages, with him, although he was a joiner or cabinet-maker by trade. Seeing no prospect for his boys but a seafaring life, he determined to find a place where land was cheaper and rear his boys on a farm. One of his relatives owned a large tract of land near Binghamton, New York, and offered to give him a farm if he would begin a settlement there. He owned some real property at Vineyard Haven, on Martha's Vineyard, which he sold for two hundred and fifty dollars preparatory to his seeking a home in the western wilds. With the proceeds of his property he took his second wife, Love, and their son David, then a little more than a year old, and his sons by his first wife, Benjamin, aged thirteen, Joseph, aged eleven, and Thomas, aged nine, and started on his long and dangerous journey. He reached Hudson, New York, probably by means of a slow sailing sloop from Martha's Vineyard

Major Gen'l. Humphrey Atherton (1608-1661) 5th Major General of the Colony of Massachusetts.


Elizabeth Walker, wife of Richard "Pilgrim" Warren

 Elizabeth Walker, wife of Richard Warren, arrived on the Anne, in Plymouth, in 1623 with their five daughters.  They had two sons before Richard's untimely death.

Mary Rowley (1739-1825) wife of Israel Whitcomb, Sr.

 On the parentage of Mary Rowley.  A report from 2003.  

Nancy Crumb, daughter of Simeon (Wm. Wm. Daniel)


Lt. Isaac Chase of Martha's Vineyard: Ferry, Tavern, Innkeeper


Daniel Crumb/Crombe 2nd Marriage, Alice Houghton


Salomon Grumé, Brother of Daniel, Baptism 1629, Witness: Abraham Vinck, Walloon Church, Haarlem, Netherlands


Elizabeth Tilley Mayflower Passenger DNA Match Reports

Image   John Chipman was the son-in-law of Elizabeth Tilley and John Howland.  He married their daughter Hope Howland.

Daniel Grumé, Original Baptism Image, Sept.1, 1641, Walloon Church of Haarlem, Netherlands.


Daniel Crumb 1699 Ratemaker Incident, Arrest Warrant Issued. .

  In 1699. James Pendelton was chosen a Town Councilman of Westerly. During that year a new law was passed by the R.I. Assembly for the choosing of rate makers which created much dissatisfaction, and at Westerly quite a number of the leading men entered their protest against the new regulation. This act called down upon their heads the wrath of the Governor, Samuel Cranston, as will appear by the following interesting document taken from the “Trumbull Papers”, published in the collections of the Mass. Hist. Society: “Warrant to Joseph Crandall to arrest disturbers of the peace. To Joseph Crandall, especial constable appointed for this present expedition. Greetings. Whereas, [complaint] hath been made unto me, Samuel Crantson, Governor of his Majesty's colony of Rhode Island and Prouidence, Plantations, etc.. by Captain William Champlin and Mr. Joseph Clarke, of Westerly, justices within said colony, that they have met with some obstruction in the town meeting by several persons

Deyo Family Original Huguenot Patentees of New Paltz, Ulster County, NY

  Huguenot Street - Oldest Street in America